James Hillman’s Views on Astrology
Sophia Centre London Conference
Saturday 27th November 2021
Next Saturday I will again be giving a talk about the psychologist James Hillman. This time it is to present the findings from my MA dissertation which researched Hillman’s views on astrology.
The conference is organised by the SophiaCentre which is part of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David where I did my MA.
The cost is £12.50 to attend the on-line conference.You will be able to stream the recordings for 30 days.
Here is the abstract of my talk:
Hillman was an American psychologist and prominent follower of Jung who founded a movement based on what he termed "Archetypal Psychology". Hillman spoke of his enduringlove of astrology but wrote very little explicitly about the subject. And yet,like Jung's writings, his work is peppered with astrological references. In this talk, I will present findings from my MA dissertation which researched Hillman's views on astrology.
More info and booking for the conference here: http://sophia-project.net/LondonEvents/2021-london-conference/index.php